01460 247287

Retirement Planning and Pension Options

Hamblin-Martin Financial Ltd provide retirement planning advice for our clients in two areas:

Saving for retirement

People are living longer. Life expectancy at birth in the UK in 2016 to 2018 was 79.3 years for males and 82.9 years for females*.  The number of centenarians who will receive their telegram from The Queen, increases year on year. The basic state pension is worth just £185.15 a week for a single person in 2022/23 – hardly sufficient for what many consider a good standard of living. It is therefore more necessary than ever to save additional funds for retirement.

*source: Office for National Statistics 02/12/19

Common questions you might ask about saving for retirement include:-

  • What methods are there to save for retirement?
  • How do work place pension benefits and Auto Enrolment fit into my retirement planning?
  • How much do I need to save to ensure I will have enough to live on when I stop work?
  • What’s the impact of delay in starting to save for retirement?
  • What are the benefits of tax relief on savings made for retirement?
  • Should I be reviewing my current and previous retirement arrangements?

Withdrawing or taking retirement benefits

These days retirement for many people is not the same ‘black & white’ event it may have been for previous generations. Indeed, there is no set retirement age any more and employment law prohibits a forced retirement age. Many individuals today want or need to continue working into older age. Conversely, early retirement – voluntary or enforced through ill health – or being in a position to choose to no longer work full time, perhaps reducing hours gradually, presents a different but equally important financial planning requirement – how do I best start to take my retirement benefits? 

Common questions you might ask about taking your retirement benefits:-

  • Can I defer my pension benefits to a later age, or when is the earliest I can draw them?
  • Annuities – how to get the best from them and the various alternatives
  • Income Drawdown – Flexi Access Drawdown, Uncrystallised Pension Lump Sum or both?
  • How do I save tax?
  • Should I draw pension benefits or income from other savings and investments?
  • How do I ensure continuing benefits for my spouse should I die?

For advice or to arrange a consultation Click Here

Hamblin-Martin Financial Ltd is an appointed representative of Best Practice IFA Group Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Hamblin-Martin Financial Ltd FCA No:  711323. Registered Office: Sterling House, 27 Hatchlands Road, Redhill, Surrey.  RH1 6RW.
Hamblin-Martin Financial Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No. 9630529.

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